
Katy is a Shining Star!

After waiting for the Katy Perry film Part of Me to be released on DVD oh so impatiently! It was worth the wait, it was not just a live concert it was the story of how a tour comes together and the dedication an artist needs to have to pull the show together.

I was lucky enough to see Katy live in Manchester Academy shortly after her debut album One For The Boys was released here in the UK. I was already a fan of the album, songs like Fingerprints, Lost and Mannequin had massive impact on me. These album tracks were brilliant and far from album fillers.

One For The Boys Tour 2009
She was a breath of fresh air, pure pop with a naughty twist! Of course it helped that I had not long passed my driving test, it was an amazing car playlist! So as soon as I saw tickets were available I jumped at the chance to see her live. 

Her confidence and voice really shone through at the gig in Manchester, and to my surprise she only had one outfit for the entire show, very refreshing! She turned up to our show in kitten heels and a snow white image, black haired bob hair style and snow white figure hugging dress with yellow short sleeves with a smiley face on. Her words "Dont you guys think Im like Snow White....on acid?!" 

This was the first time I had seen an american artist up close and personal, and she explained how she wrote the songs with the meaning behind them or in some cases just the story. With this touch she managed to win over the roaring crowd and truly gain fans for life.
Ticket for Manchester Academy 2009
I feel she has done this on a huge scale with release of her movie being released in cinemas. The film contains very personal moments and the demise of her relationship with Russell Brand.

But also it cleverly guides us through the hard work and dedication Katy puts into her tours and her music. The part where we awkwardly had to sit through an emotional break down then she put her brave face on to put the show on for her fans. 

Manchester 2009
Her rise to chart domination was a massive struggle. This film shows the total dark side of the music industry through her knock backs in the early days, with record companies wanting her to be someone else to sell records and her determination to stick two fingers up and do it her way. 

With every single released all being a huge success it is hard to believe Katy Perry has only released just two albums and succeeded in global pop domination!

There is nobody to compete with in her style and the film really shows how unique and versatile she is. Lets hope her star continues to rise and shine!

Katy live on stage on film